Elder scrolls sotha sil
Elder scrolls sotha sil

elder scrolls sotha sil

In broad strokes, it seems to limit most physical manifestations and interactions on Nirn of the Daedric Princes that agreed to it, originally eight (Azura, Boethia, Hermaeus Mora, Mehrunes Dagon, Hircine, Malacath, Morag Bal, and Sheogorath) with Mephala and Clavicus Vile agreeing at the end of the Summerset story. No mortal knows the exact terms, even into the Fourth Era. According to UESP, the Compact was agrees on the 5th of Rain's Hand, 1E 2920, the last year of the First Era, after Molag Bal manifested and destroyed the Wood elf village of Gil-var-delle, which you can actually visit in Grahtwood.

Elder scrolls sotha sil