Some duchies have only one province, like Venice other duchies, such as Sicily and Tunis, have six counties each. ID Name 55000: Province culture changes 55001: Bring in some settlers 55002: The English Melting Pot (after year 1100) 55003: It's spreading 55004: Make my court speak English 55005: Make my vassal speak English 55006 55010: A ruler is assimilated by the local culture 55011 55100 Then I would open the Harrenhal text file to see all the barony titleids listed under the heading "Settlements" like this. All county titleids and title names can be found in the Province List. CK2 Cheats CK2 Province IDs CK2 Event IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes There is a custom religion button in the Religion Diplomacy Options, you have Current version 5. Each province has a corresponding County title identified with its capital settlement.